Monday, September 29, 2008

Life as I know it

Well where to start last week as not that interesting for us

Tuesday Ruthie got an award for performing on stage for ballet and she is now in Grade 1 dance not Primary so she is growing up fast :S

Wed night Jeremiah woke up with a really bad rash which turned into these massive red lumps so as soon as Adrian got home it was off to the docs for us and aparently it was an allergic reaction to what is what we get to work out lucky for us.

Well on Thurs I got to spend a little time with Bryan Michael and Amy before they headed out for lunch as I was there to help mum clean her room and upstairs ready for her bed that was comming on Fri. Michael doesnt like me everytime Bryan went to give me Michael he would give me a funny look I was like he doesnt want to go to me Im going to make him cry so I didnt really get cuddles which is a little sad but hay what can you do when we all live so far away he doent know who I am. Nonna ( I think thats what they call nanna) any way she read Michael a book about a green sheep and what all these other sheeps were I was getting sick of hearing about sheep. I gave Bryan his B'day pressy for all of the bros and sisters I got him Gumby he loves Gumby I remember having fights with him on who was better Gumby or Superman ( It still is superman )

Friday was Ruthies last day of school for the term and by the time I got home she was already driving me up the wall and I was hanging out for school to start again. Whos bright idea was it to bring in school holidays :P

Sat I was really sick it hurt to breathe but I still was a nice mum and wife and went with Adrian and the kids to see Adrians parents. We sat and chatted for a while and Jeremiah played with the cars like he always does and Ruth with the dolls for a while then she coloured. I was feeling really sick by the time we got home so I layed down for a bit before calling mum to take me to the docs. We were there forever it took so long and poor mum needed to get home to eat. As it was we had to go back the next day for blood tests. I was so over it all and when I got home I fell straight into bed and slept.Later on the kids decided to join me in bed to keep me company Ruth was really sweet she gave me 3 kisses when she got out of bed for something and told me she would be back later. By about 1 in the moring I was sqwished out of my bed everytime I moved they moved closer to me grrrr.

Sunday I was still sick but mum took me to get my bloods but then as soon as I got home it was back to bed for me. I have to say the only up side is I get to rest the bad side is while Im resting Adrian and the kids trash the house so more work for me when I get better.
Today is Tuesday again and I am finaly feeling good enough to start getting into the house and cleaning it so thats what I have been doing and toilet training and Jeremiah is actually wearing jocks today which is a shock normaly he has to run around with a naky bum to get him to go to potty and not have a nappy on but today he was happy to wear jocks so thats a start. I am now 18 weeks pregnant still getting morning sickness and still cant eat meat.I have my scan on the 11th of Oct so I cant wait to find out what Im having I really hope Im right in what I think it is

Thanks for reading and catcha next week
Jeremiah was so tired he couldnt make it up the
couch to sleep
This is Ruthies own creation she did this hair
do all by herself


Anonymous said...

Hope all goes well with your scan... but when you do find out the gender, please dont tell me as Uncle Gov likes suprises!

Keekies said...

Love the pictures of the kids!

18 weeks... WOW! Only 22 to go!!

Tammy said...

I like surprises too so don't tell me either!
Hehe Love you =)