Saturday, October 25, 2008

18 Weeks left wow Im liking how fast this is going :P

Hello All
This blog is from Friday the 17th to Sunday the 26th
So Friday the 17th
I was just itching to get out the house I had been prity much stuck at home all week and really wanted to get out lucky for me Paula rang up at like 6 30 and wanted to know if I wanted to go for a walk along the beach it was such a beautiful night I was like sure do. So she came down from Eudunda. We didn't quite make it for that walk tho she was feeling hungry and so was I so we went to Cafe Primos in Semaphore. It was really nice but service was a little slow but meh it was still good to sit and chat and not be stuck at home watching reruns of SVU (I tend to do that every fri night as foxtel have 5 in a row) We ended up going straight home after that and Paula spent the night like she normally does when she comes down.
Saturday the 18th
Paula woke up early and wanted to take Ruthie to the beach I was still a little tired so I was like yeah go for it but then it turned out I couldn't sleep so I ended up going to. The beach was so nice and the weather was just perfect I stood in the water just enough to get my feet and a bit of my leg wet. Ruth had a ball and of course managed to make a friend with another girl that was playing which is nothing new for Ruth. After we left the beach Paula had to go shopping so we dropped Ruth off and went shopping. I managed to finally make an appointment to get my legs done they were really hairy hehehehe and I got my eyebrows done tooo it felt so good to be like a woman again and to be able to start wearing dresses.
Adrian had to go to work around 430 and there was a Relief Society dinner on that night. Mum convinced me to go so Damien had the kids they love playing with their cousins and after the dinner I thought it was about time I went and visited Iain. I haven't really been to the grave much and it was on the way home sorta so I thought I would pop past for a few mins it was actually quite nice.
Sunday 19th
Mum and Dad took the kids to church like normal and I sat at home relaxing then Marie came and dragged me out for 30mins she had to go pick something up and wanted some company so we went for the drive. Luckily we got home just as Mum and Dad were dropping the kids off. Then we spent the night relaxing and chatting like always.
Monday 20th
Well what can I say this so wasn't a good day for me I had a hospital appointment that morning and Adrian stayed at home with Jeremiah as I went so I got to go on my own lucky me. First I had to see the doctor she was so stupid she was doing a mini ultrasound on my tummy to see where the baby was to get a heart beat (normally they just stick the dabber on and find it that way) But every time she found where the baby was it would move before she could get the dabber in the right place and at one stage the baby decided to start kicking it. So she gave up on looking for the heart beat and figured the baby was fine because it wouldn't stop moving. Then I had to see a midwife about some stuff and one of the things was am I planning on breast feeding I was like yes I'm going to try it again. Then she asked how long I did it for my last one and I said 2mths and then she gave me this massive lecture about breastfeeding and not supplementing with formula and that baby's go thru growth spurts and that's when most ppl just give up and get the baby to suck the more it sucks the more milk u produce. She was making me soooo mad after everything I had gone thru with Ruth mostly because I couldn't breast feed and then to have some women treat me like I just gave up. I was ready to thump her one so I turned around to her and said excuse me I went to Torrens house about the breast feeding I didn't just give up it was there they realised I didn't produce enough. She still didn't apologise but did leave it alone after that.
Tuesday and Wednesday
I didn't nothing all day but clean but hay that's all I ever seem to do is clean but I'm happy to say I'm prity much done that's it for me all my spring cleaning is done YAY
Thursday 23rd
I went to meet Tam for lunch and went back to that deli I really like it there even if tam doesn't hehehehehe. We had a nice lunch and then I went straight to mums to clean out her cupboards we managed to get a few done and because I didn't have to pick up Ruth it made it easier ( she went to her friends house after school ) Then I went down and visited my friend Suzie who is pregnant to yay she is due 4 weeks before me so we had a nice chat. Then I went and got Miah from day care then Ruth from her friends and came home and did nothing (it was my day off :P)
I spent the day cleaning up what I didn't the day before and the playroom that always needs doing it gets so messy. Then relaxed for the most of the day and watched my SVU that night.
Adrian the lazy bum didn't get out of bed till 12 so that was most of the day gone but we decided to have a BBQ that night it was supposed to be a really hot day and I love BBQ s it wasn't as hot as we thought but just going to the shops wore me out. We had Marie and Steve over for dinner that was good we sat out the front after dinner just talking Marie got her banana lounges out the car and we got our recliner camp chairs out but it was so nice out there.
Well today after I have finished writing this I will get into cleaning the house like always and then tonight we are going to mums for my birthday dinner lucky me. Meh why is it when you get older birthdays are not as good as they used to be oh well

That's all from me for another week enjoy ppl

1 comment:

Keekies said...

Happy Birthday Ruth!!

Hope you have a wonderful day and get spoiled rotten!

Love Kirsty