Well where to start
This year was the first year we didn't spend lunch at Mums I was really funny about it call me attached but I love my big Christmas lunches at mums. But this year Adrian's sister in law and brother invited us to their house for lunch so this will be the first time we have spent Christmas day with his family. So being the good wife I was I made the sacrifice and decided that Adrian needed to spend it with his family. I was really nervous going there as we hadn't seen them in a year (yes his family isn't that close) and Paula's (Adrian's sis in law) family would be there too. But it turned out to be great we were even late for the Park cos we were there for so long we lost track of time. The kids loved it and I enjoyed spending time with his family its something that really should be done more often. So in 2009 I'm going to make it my goal that we spend more time with his family. After lunch we went to the park like always and spent time with Mums side it was nice just sitting down and sorta relaxing. Jeremiah got a toy lawn mower and spent the rest of the time mowing the grass at the park he loved it. There was a little boy that kept trying to take it off him tho but Jeremiah was not giving up his toy it even got to the stage where Juliet stepped in and told the little boy off which resulted in him hitting Juliet but having big brothers taught her to be tough and she hit the kid back. Then we went back to mums so the kids could open their presents from the aunties and uncles. Poor Ruth got a great present but didn't realise that because it was a big one that was it. But we managed to make her happy. By the end of the night I had enough all I wanted to do was go home and crash I was so tired.
Christmas morning
the photo of mum opening hers has gone :(
Jeremiah with his scooter from Craig and Kirsty
thanks guys he loves it :P
Ruth opening her bike from all her aunties
and uncles she loves this too so thanks
The next day we went to Mums for lunch cos she loves me and cos I was so upset we missed out on Christmas lunch she made it for us the day after. It was really nice and we ate it out the back on the deck. For the record Adrian was holding the water over Sarah's head i kinda just helped it along. So of course I got water tipped on me which was nice as it was hot out there and I wasn't going inside Charlie had done a poo and they had no nappies so it stunk out downstairs plus it was quieter outside cos all the kids were inside. After lunch I had a little time to rest before having to go to the Slug and Lettuce for Marie's birthday it was a nice night out and then they all came back to my place and all us girls chatted about stuff.
The next few days were spent recovering from the big two days it took me longer than I thought to recover but I guess that's because I was 30 weeks pregnant :P
New Years EVE
Well this was interesting I knew it would be a big night so I spent the day not doing allot to make sure I could have fun. Marie came to my place and we drove to Yvonne's and Luke's well I didn't exactly have the time of my life the whole night I was getting Braxton Hicks and who ever said they weren't pain full doesn't know anything. I was getting them all night so much for celebrating the New Year oh well the kids had a ball and it wasn't toooo bad. I think next year I wanna make it better might have something at my place.
Well that's about it for Christmas and the New Year
Love you
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