Monday, December 22, 2008

12 Days of Christmas
This year we have had someone doing the 12 Days of Christmas for us.
I have been very quiet about it trying to sus out the ppl doing it but so far have had no luck.
For those of you not aware of the 12 Days of Christmas what happens is someone anonymous drops presents off on the door step every night or morning. It starts 12 days before Christmas and the presents usually involve the number of things for the day as you will see in my photos. I did it one year for a friend it is great such a good feeling to Christmas and brings in what Christmas is all about. I am big on that this year I'm loving all the giving ppl are doing its fantastic. I got snow maned on Sunday as well that was cool I didn't know what that was till I got done. Snow maning is you leave a gift with a piece of paper on someones doorstep and on the back of the piece of paper is instructions for you if you choose to snowman 3 more ppl and so on so if everyone did it it would be like pay it forward how cool is that. So now the kids get to get involved and learn the real meaning of Christmas.
On the 12th day of Christmas we got
12 Christmas Tree candles
On the 11th day of Christmas we got
11 Christmas card holders
On the 10th day of Christmas we got
10 Christmas decorations for the tree
On the 9th day of Christmas we got
9 animal ballons
On the 8th day of Christmas we got
On the 8th day of Christmas we got
8 balls to put on the tree
On the 7th day of Christmas we got
7 candy canes
On the 6th day of Christmas we got
6 bon bons
On the 5th day of Chirstmas we got
5 Ferrero Rochers
And finally for now
On the 4th day of Christmas we got
4 giant cookies yummy
First week of school holidays hospital visit and more
Hay all what a week it has been and its gone fast too
I started off the school holidays not feeling well which is nothing out of the ordinary for pregnant me so the poor kids didn't get to do much for their first day as little Souvlaki decided to positon its self head down so I could barely walk without pain.
I still managed and we made Truffles on the Monday can any of you Pilkington kids remember the truffles with the weetbix I used to love them and they are still not bad.
On Tuesday we had Jeremiahs day care Christmas party that was loads of fun sitting on my own why the kids went of and played Jeremiahs friend Kyle (aka Kyled) was there that was the first time Jeremiah has seen him in weeks so that was it he was off. At some stage so was his pants I looked over and there he was pant less running around playing I was so not impressed shoes are one thing but pants. I put them back on him but it didnt take long for him to take them off yet again. Then Santa went to visit and I got this really cute calender with a photo of Jeremiah wearing a Santa beard it was so cute. I was so glad to go home and get the kids into bed ahhhhh peace at last.
By Wednesday I was wondering where my sleep ins were I now could sleep in cos there was no School but for some reason my body kept waking up in time to take Ruth to school (which it never did when I actually had to take her). By about 10 I remembered I had a hospital appointment for baby at 10:35 so I rushed around and got ready I got there only 5 Min's late I was impressed. I had to wait another 30 Min's to be seen which as always loads of fun but I got it over and done with and don't have to go back for 4 weeks Yay. I was supposed to go back in 2-3 but the lady that makes the appointment isn't that smart I think.
Thursday was going to be a relaxing day but I decided I wanted new cupboards for the playroom the ones that you stick the coloured boxes in. It was Adrian's day off and he was going to fix our power window in the car and go shopping for me but I felt like we hadn't spent time together in ages so I wanted to spend time with him that day not off on his own. That is so not like me usually I'm happy for us to do our own thing but I guess every so often its nice to spend time together. Mind you he is not the best person to shop with he always wants to spend money. We got some more lights for the front he seems to really be into putting lights up so we got some more for him as they were half price. Then we went to Bunny's (aka Bunnings ) for a new fan for Ruth's room as hers was broken. On the way out I managed to do a typical Ruth while pregnant and slipped on some water lucky I had the trolley in front of me to brace myself but I still hurt myself just not as bad as I could've.
Friday I spent the day relaxing as I was very sore from falling over. I really hate not being able to do things it drives me insane but what can you do when its better for you and baby not to do to much. But I have to say I did manage to do the playroom it took me 4 hours to get thru it but I did get it done.
Saturday was spent finishing the playroom and cleaning the rest of the house trying to get everything ready for Christmas day. I was still a little sore so I took it easy and did get most of it done.
Sunday was Adrian's day off so he tried fixing the power window in the car but needed a part so he had to temp fix it till Monday. He also went shopping for my Christmas present and the kids went to church with mum. My house was all clean and I had nothing to do so I fell asleep it was good just to relax except before I fell asleep I was thinking no Adrian no kids I can have a relaxing shower. When I got out I checked the time and I was only in there for like 9 mins which is the time it usually takes me when I wash my hair.
Today is Monday and I'm officially 30 weeks pregnant YAY only 10 more weeks to go hopefully if the baby comes out when it should. Souvlaki is kicking and playing around allot I think I have drooped already which I think is a good sign oh and the hiccups they get to be so annoying and Souvlaki will get it at least 2 times a day.
Well thats it form me for now
There will be more tomorrow
Love you all
Mwah Ruth
I started off the school holidays not feeling well which is nothing out of the ordinary for pregnant me so the poor kids didn't get to do much for their first day as little Souvlaki decided to positon its self head down so I could barely walk without pain.
I still managed and we made Truffles on the Monday can any of you Pilkington kids remember the truffles with the weetbix I used to love them and they are still not bad.
On Tuesday we had Jeremiahs day care Christmas party that was loads of fun sitting on my own why the kids went of and played Jeremiahs friend Kyle (aka Kyled) was there that was the first time Jeremiah has seen him in weeks so that was it he was off. At some stage so was his pants I looked over and there he was pant less running around playing I was so not impressed shoes are one thing but pants. I put them back on him but it didnt take long for him to take them off yet again. Then Santa went to visit and I got this really cute calender with a photo of Jeremiah wearing a Santa beard it was so cute. I was so glad to go home and get the kids into bed ahhhhh peace at last.
By Wednesday I was wondering where my sleep ins were I now could sleep in cos there was no School but for some reason my body kept waking up in time to take Ruth to school (which it never did when I actually had to take her). By about 10 I remembered I had a hospital appointment for baby at 10:35 so I rushed around and got ready I got there only 5 Min's late I was impressed. I had to wait another 30 Min's to be seen which as always loads of fun but I got it over and done with and don't have to go back for 4 weeks Yay. I was supposed to go back in 2-3 but the lady that makes the appointment isn't that smart I think.
Thursday was going to be a relaxing day but I decided I wanted new cupboards for the playroom the ones that you stick the coloured boxes in. It was Adrian's day off and he was going to fix our power window in the car and go shopping for me but I felt like we hadn't spent time together in ages so I wanted to spend time with him that day not off on his own. That is so not like me usually I'm happy for us to do our own thing but I guess every so often its nice to spend time together. Mind you he is not the best person to shop with he always wants to spend money. We got some more lights for the front he seems to really be into putting lights up so we got some more for him as they were half price. Then we went to Bunny's (aka Bunnings ) for a new fan for Ruth's room as hers was broken. On the way out I managed to do a typical Ruth while pregnant and slipped on some water lucky I had the trolley in front of me to brace myself but I still hurt myself just not as bad as I could've.
Friday I spent the day relaxing as I was very sore from falling over. I really hate not being able to do things it drives me insane but what can you do when its better for you and baby not to do to much. But I have to say I did manage to do the playroom it took me 4 hours to get thru it but I did get it done.
Saturday was spent finishing the playroom and cleaning the rest of the house trying to get everything ready for Christmas day. I was still a little sore so I took it easy and did get most of it done.
Sunday was Adrian's day off so he tried fixing the power window in the car but needed a part so he had to temp fix it till Monday. He also went shopping for my Christmas present and the kids went to church with mum. My house was all clean and I had nothing to do so I fell asleep it was good just to relax except before I fell asleep I was thinking no Adrian no kids I can have a relaxing shower. When I got out I checked the time and I was only in there for like 9 mins which is the time it usually takes me when I wash my hair.
Today is Monday and I'm officially 30 weeks pregnant YAY only 10 more weeks to go hopefully if the baby comes out when it should. Souvlaki is kicking and playing around allot I think I have drooped already which I think is a good sign oh and the hiccups they get to be so annoying and Souvlaki will get it at least 2 times a day.
Well thats it form me for now
There will be more tomorrow
Love you all
Mwah Ruth
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Ruths school concert Class party and End of term
Well this week was a bit more adventfull
Tuesday is the day of Ruth's and the boys school Christmas concert that they have like every year. I went shopping in the morning to get a few things then I came home and baked some cupcakes for Ruth's class party the next day. Then I pined the tinsel to the bottom of Ruth's skirt for her to look more chirstmasy. Then it was time to pick Ruth up from school I was running late when I went to pick her up ppl had already stuck their chairs out for that night and just left them there so I decided to do the same lucky my chairs live in my boot so I have them whenever I might need them. Instead of taking Ruth to ballet this week I let her have a week off I was really tired and worn out and I still had the night to go so I thought it would be best just not going that week. I droped Miah off at Mums and then went down to the school to wait for the concert to start (plus make sure my chairs were still there I was a little nervous leaving them there) Mum brought the boy down with her so he didn't have to wait around all that time. Adrian was working that night so the poor boy missed out on the concert and so did dad he was out country but as I said to dad hay whats new lol he is always away when things like this are on. Ruth Rory and Isiah were in the first 3 acts for the evening but we couldn't leave till the end because we had to wait till then to pick the kids up from their classrooms. As usual the girls piked and left as soon as the kids were done they took Miah home to save Adrian coming to get him Miah really wasn't interested in the night at all.
if that peanut butter was pizza he would look like
a bloke
Monday I spent the day cleanning lol yes I know stop cleaning. But alot of u need to remember even tho I seem to be cleaning alot I do stop and start I cant do it all at once cos I get sick or get pains.
Tuesday is the day of Ruth's and the boys school Christmas concert that they have like every year. I went shopping in the morning to get a few things then I came home and baked some cupcakes for Ruth's class party the next day. Then I pined the tinsel to the bottom of Ruth's skirt for her to look more chirstmasy. Then it was time to pick Ruth up from school I was running late when I went to pick her up ppl had already stuck their chairs out for that night and just left them there so I decided to do the same lucky my chairs live in my boot so I have them whenever I might need them. Instead of taking Ruth to ballet this week I let her have a week off I was really tired and worn out and I still had the night to go so I thought it would be best just not going that week. I droped Miah off at Mums and then went down to the school to wait for the concert to start (plus make sure my chairs were still there I was a little nervous leaving them there) Mum brought the boy down with her so he didn't have to wait around all that time. Adrian was working that night so the poor boy missed out on the concert and so did dad he was out country but as I said to dad hay whats new lol he is always away when things like this are on. Ruth Rory and Isiah were in the first 3 acts for the evening but we couldn't leave till the end because we had to wait till then to pick the kids up from their classrooms. As usual the girls piked and left as soon as the kids were done they took Miah home to save Adrian coming to get him Miah really wasn't interested in the night at all.
She is wearing her skirt I put the
waiting for the concert to start
Wed 10th Dec
This was casual clothes day for the school and we had to take a can of food to school for the needy over Christmas. It was also Ruth's party day so she took the cakes I made in for the class apparently they were really yummy. We also got Foxtel IQ we already had foxtel but they brought out a deal where u get IQ for free for a year so I rang them up and said I wanted that deal so they gave it to us. So free IQ for the year and I love it I now don't miss out on my shows because it lives on Nick Jnr or the shows I wanna watch are tooo adult for the little ones to watch.
Thurs 11th Dec
This is my last free Thursday for a long time as school holidays start this Fri. I had a costume party to go to on Sat so I went into town to get a wig it was a Get Smart party and so I needed to get a black wig for 99. The day went so fast it was over before it began before I knew it I was on my way to get Ruth from school.
Friday 12th Dec
I went to Mums today to finish Maries Bday present as her Bday is like the day after Christmas so I wanted to make sure I had it all done and sorted. It rained allot this day as well I loved it its about time we had a good rain. Jeremiah loved it tooo he was soaked by the time Ruth got out of school. He was jumping in all the puddles and running around in the rain. By about 3:30 Ruth and Jeremiah had already started fighting so I was thinking how great these holidays are going to be if they continue like that.
Saturday 13th
I got up really early for the Relief Society Breakfast ( I would love to know who the bright one was that thought of that ) It was not bad tho apart from the getting up early we played the present game when you pass it left when the story says left then right when the story says right. I spent the rest of the day relaxing ready for my big night We haven't been out in sooooo long usually its me or him that go out and one stays at home.
I sooooo wasn't impressed with the way I looked in the wig I felt like a total dork and Adrian helped me feel that way when he laughed at me when I stuck it on. It was a good night and it was great for us to get out together. (It would've been better if I wasn't pregas)
He was Max Smart
friends lol nah shes just friends with them too
By the way for more photos look on facey
By the way for more photos look on facey
Well that's it from me for now and YAY I'm all up to date
Love Ya
Im getting there slowly catching up hehehehe
Ok Ill start by saying Hello fellow boogers lol bloggers friends family
There wasn't really allot to write about from the 30th of Nov to the 5th of Dec so Ill stick it all in together as it will be short and sweet we can only hope
Well aside from the cleaning which many of you think I do way tooo much of. I had a hospital appointment for baby (souvlaki)on the 3rd of Dec. I'm really starting to hate my appointments they are so annoying and boring I know they are there to make sure everything is going to plan but when you know everything is fine its annoying cos you go in they ask you a few questions check your blood pressure and the bubs heart beat and then your free to go.Souvlaki is moving around heaps and seems to be growing really fast and I feel soooooo huge atm and its only going to get worse.
After the appointment Sarah and I with Miah went shopping but this time we didn't let Miah have the raspberry frozen fanta ( that stuff sends him hypo) we managed to get what we needed done in time for me to drop Sarah home and pick Ruthie up from school which was good as last week I ended up asking mum as I was running late and didn't realise the time when we were shopping. So that's basically about it for those few days apart from the boring usual.
Sat the 6th of Dec
Well as you guys all know this was the first Sat of the month and that means sisters day.
This time we invited Natasha and Mum and made it a Christmas lunch. We figured just because we didn't work and have work supply us with a Christmas party we would have our own while the men stayed at home with the kids after all we have the biggest job of all even if we don't get paid for it. Oh and Tam and Sarah were just ring ins hehehehe. It was a really nice lunch and there was heaps of food I payed for a quarter chicken and ended up with half.
That night we went to the ward Christmas party it was really good and this year they asked us to bring a small gift for the kids to give to baby Jesus ( who was a girl this year hmmmmm) for the needy. I thought that was a great idea it helps the young ones realise the importance of giving and not just receiving which doesn't happen allot when they are younger. Plus it brings in the real meaning of Christmas not just the Santa and stuff like that. They played cool games thanks to Bro Mason he brought a big ball ( one of the gym ones) for poison ball it was sooooo cool to watch.
Well that's enough for my first instalment otherwise the next one will be too big I actually did stuff that week hehehehe
Love you all
There wasn't really allot to write about from the 30th of Nov to the 5th of Dec so Ill stick it all in together as it will be short and sweet we can only hope
Well aside from the cleaning which many of you think I do way tooo much of. I had a hospital appointment for baby (souvlaki)on the 3rd of Dec. I'm really starting to hate my appointments they are so annoying and boring I know they are there to make sure everything is going to plan but when you know everything is fine its annoying cos you go in they ask you a few questions check your blood pressure and the bubs heart beat and then your free to go.Souvlaki is moving around heaps and seems to be growing really fast and I feel soooooo huge atm and its only going to get worse.
After the appointment Sarah and I with Miah went shopping but this time we didn't let Miah have the raspberry frozen fanta ( that stuff sends him hypo) we managed to get what we needed done in time for me to drop Sarah home and pick Ruthie up from school which was good as last week I ended up asking mum as I was running late and didn't realise the time when we were shopping. So that's basically about it for those few days apart from the boring usual.
Sat the 6th of Dec
Well as you guys all know this was the first Sat of the month and that means sisters day.
This time we invited Natasha and Mum and made it a Christmas lunch. We figured just because we didn't work and have work supply us with a Christmas party we would have our own while the men stayed at home with the kids after all we have the biggest job of all even if we don't get paid for it. Oh and Tam and Sarah were just ring ins hehehehe. It was a really nice lunch and there was heaps of food I payed for a quarter chicken and ended up with half.
That night we went to the ward Christmas party it was really good and this year they asked us to bring a small gift for the kids to give to baby Jesus ( who was a girl this year hmmmmm) for the needy. I thought that was a great idea it helps the young ones realise the importance of giving and not just receiving which doesn't happen allot when they are younger. Plus it brings in the real meaning of Christmas not just the Santa and stuff like that. They played cool games thanks to Bro Mason he brought a big ball ( one of the gym ones) for poison ball it was sooooo cool to watch.
Well that's enough for my first instalment otherwise the next one will be too big I actually did stuff that week hehehehe
Love you all
Monday, December 8, 2008
More Catch up I have been really lazy :P
Hay all here is some more for the blog I'm hopping Ill manage to catch up soon
Fri the 21st of Nov
My baby boys 3rd Birthday I cant believe it is here already he is growing up way too fast I hate it I want my baby again :P
We got up early and let Jeremiah open his presents from us and of course Ruth felt the need to help like always. He loved all his presents his favourite was the fire engine he loves fire trucks. Then Ruth and I had to finish getting ready to go to a hospital appointment to see a specialist for Ruth and her bed wetting. They thought she might have reflux yes I know ppl think that its in the stomach but its for the bladder as well they think her valve in the bladder isn't closing off properly and its causing urine to go back up to the kidneys which would explain all the bladder infections. Anyway we got to her appointment early and the doctor gave me some things I had to do to help Ruth as he didn't want to give test her for reflux just yet as its not a pleasant procedure and the thought that the bladder might have been spasming and it could be what was causing the reflux to begin with. I also got some tablets to give her which I wasn't too keen about I'm not a big tablet taker and I'm not a fan of putting stuff like that into my little girl. It took me a week to be comfortable with giving them to her and I still only give her half of what he told me to give her but they seem to be working she has had one wet bed since she started on them which is great. The rest of the day was spent relaxing and spending time with my little man.
inside and Ruth close by
Sat 22nd of Nov
I had a little party at my place for Miahs b'day usually we go out for tea and invite ppl to join us if they want but Jeremiah has become a little hermit and doesn't want to go out and if we do wants to go home really early so I thought we would be better off having ppl over and he can have is favourite pasta pasta (spaghetti). So we had what family is here and a few friends over he got to cut his cake and spend time with his best friend Charlie ( Jeremiah LOVES Charlie). He wanted a Thomas cake and his favourite flavour is chocolate so it was chocolate. He loved all of his presents he watched Johnson and friends over and over again for days and played with his cars and train puzzle. Marie gave him a train set it was so cool it blows smoke and makes noises and is remote controlled he loved it. He even asked Adrian to put it away for him because he didn't want it broken.
Jake for my Johnson and Friends and my
Cars I got lightning Mac queen and Luigi
Thank you Damien and Natasha for my
train puzzle.
Nanna and Grandad for my Johnson and Friends
and Dora cards.
And big Nanna and Grandad for my racing cars
And big Nanna and Grandad for my racing cars
A Craig cut straight thru the cake
Sun 23rd Nov
Adrian and the kids spent the morning playing with the train set Marie gave Miah and then we had to all get ready for church as it was the primary presentation day and Ruth was in it. She was very nervous and scared which is sooooo not like Ruth but we got her up there but she was sitting behind this big bunch of flowers so I couldn't see her I was soooo not happy I wanted to go up and move them so I could see her but I didn't it was nice to see all the kids do their little parts.
Miah playing with the tain set Marie gave him
Ruth having fun with the train set tooo
the take along trains Jeremaih and and got for
his birthday have maggnets on them and he realised
he could hang them on the bottom of the futon hehehe
Mon 24th to Fri 28th of Nov
I spent most of the week being lazy and my house was getting a little messy I was just so tired from all the weeks being so busy or feeling busy so I decided to take it easy. Thurs I went to Natasha's to help with the spring cleaning again its going really well and the house is looking good. Natasha is even getting used to chucking things out its now chuck it chuck it I love when that happens its just getting started that's the problem. On the Friday I came down with the flu or something I was sooooo sick mum had to come and get the kids and feed them for me I was throwing up and everything my body was soooo sore I was just soooo sick.
Sat 29th of Nov
I was starting to feel a bit better we had another family function to go to but this time it was Mums side the Watts we went to Thordon park which I was a bit worried about because last year we went Jeremiah kept running off to the water. I had a talk to Jeremiah in the car and before we went and he was really good he didn't go near the water but Ruth did lol I didn't think to talk to her about it. It was good to get out the house full of germs and in the out doors in the sun to kill all those nasty bugs. When it was time to go home Jeremiah wanted to go with Charlie like always so Damien said it was OK. So we picked Miah and Ruth (she ended up going tooo ) up from Damien and Natasha's and it wasn't easy Jeremiah isn't a fan of leaving Charlie no matter where we are even at school he trys to go home with Charlie every time and crys when he cant.
Well I guess that it from me
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Catch up
Hi all I know its been soooo long since I have written a blog
I kinda got lazy there for a few weeks as well as getting sick which is normal for me atm.
So lets see if my pregnancy brain will help me remember everything.
Well the 10th of Nov was Adrians 29th birthday poor boy had to work on his b'day but he was ok about it all he still hasn't gotten his b'day pressy from me hes still looking for a cordless mouse and keyboard he likes and for a good price so he has been spending allot of time on ebay. Normally I'm pretty good and can get him what he wants really easily but I thought with something like this he would be better getting it.
The rest of that week I spent doing what I usually do clean clean and clean ppl often tell me to stop cleaning and that I clean too much. What some ppl don't see is I will clean one room and then I have a monster that will go thru and mess it up all over again (yes the monster is my beautiful man Jeremiah)
Saturday the 15th we had a get together for the Pilkington side at Jenny's her house is sooooo nice and is like a 5 min walk if that from the beach. It was so nice to go and spend time with the family and I love it because when you go there its like you spoke the other day and everyone talks and interacts its fantastic we didn't end up getting home till 5 30 6 ish and we got there at 12 1230. I was so tired by the end of it as soon as I got home it was lay down time for me. I didn't get to rest for long as I was going out with Marie and Paula for tea that night and they got here around 630 so I was up and out again we couldn't decide on a place to go eat it took us till 8 to work out where we were going to go and it ended up being the Old Spot on Main Nth Rd. For those that are thinking of going there don't it was horrible and that's not just pregnant taste buds talking Marie and Paula didn't like their food either. We had a really good girls night out it was great to get with my girls and talk.
Sunday the 16th was Anabelle's blessing so another family gathering it was good to spend time with family there is nothing like parties and blessings and other things to get a family together. It was really good poor Natasha was sick with this bug that has been going around I hadn't caught it as yet which was good(fingers crossed).
We had a few days of relaxing from the 17th to the 19th after a big exciting weekend like that we really needed a break to relax and rest. Don't worry I still found time to clean in that relaxing time hehehehe.
Thursday was a busy day for me actually I realised the night before that Target had their singstar games on special and we all know how much I love my singstar. There were new ones that had come out tooo that I really wanted to get and missed out on like the Disney one that was the main one I was looking for. I was at the shops as early as I could so about 9 15 and I was too late they had already sold out of Disney I was so upset I managed to get Hottest Hits and ABBA tho so that was good. But me being me went all the way up to TTP to try and get Disney for Ruthie. YAY I got the last one I had to hunt for it and wait in line for like 30 mins but it was worth it for my baby girl. Hay I'm the one that goes to the midnight toy sales just for the kids crazy I know. After that I had to go to Big W to get a lay by off one with Miahs b'day presents on ( it had the Chrissy pressies on too). After sorting all of that out I had to go back to mums to drop off and take some pressies. Then I had to pick Ruthie lu up from School and when I got home Von and Luke popped in so no rest for me. Then I had to go get Miah from day care and get dinner as we were having Big Nana and Big Grandad over for tea. As it was I was really late picking them up I don't know where that day had gone. We had a really good night and they loved spending time with the kids and the kids loved spending time with their Great Grandparents too. Not many ppl get to have that these days so its great to have that opportunity its just sad that we lost the other set it would be so nice to have Gpa here again with his goffy smile and the way he laughed at jokes that weren't even funny. At the end of the night I was soooo tired I crashed it I'm not used to having such a busy day atm I tend to pace myself with this pregnancy cos if i don't I get pains.
So that's the first instalment of my catch up still got more to go but I thought I should break it up a little lots to write
love and miss ya all
I kinda got lazy there for a few weeks as well as getting sick which is normal for me atm.
So lets see if my pregnancy brain will help me remember everything.
Well the 10th of Nov was Adrians 29th birthday poor boy had to work on his b'day but he was ok about it all he still hasn't gotten his b'day pressy from me hes still looking for a cordless mouse and keyboard he likes and for a good price so he has been spending allot of time on ebay. Normally I'm pretty good and can get him what he wants really easily but I thought with something like this he would be better getting it.
The rest of that week I spent doing what I usually do clean clean and clean ppl often tell me to stop cleaning and that I clean too much. What some ppl don't see is I will clean one room and then I have a monster that will go thru and mess it up all over again (yes the monster is my beautiful man Jeremiah)
Saturday the 15th we had a get together for the Pilkington side at Jenny's her house is sooooo nice and is like a 5 min walk if that from the beach. It was so nice to go and spend time with the family and I love it because when you go there its like you spoke the other day and everyone talks and interacts its fantastic we didn't end up getting home till 5 30 6 ish and we got there at 12 1230. I was so tired by the end of it as soon as I got home it was lay down time for me. I didn't get to rest for long as I was going out with Marie and Paula for tea that night and they got here around 630 so I was up and out again we couldn't decide on a place to go eat it took us till 8 to work out where we were going to go and it ended up being the Old Spot on Main Nth Rd. For those that are thinking of going there don't it was horrible and that's not just pregnant taste buds talking Marie and Paula didn't like their food either. We had a really good girls night out it was great to get with my girls and talk.
Sunday the 16th was Anabelle's blessing so another family gathering it was good to spend time with family there is nothing like parties and blessings and other things to get a family together. It was really good poor Natasha was sick with this bug that has been going around I hadn't caught it as yet which was good(fingers crossed).
We had a few days of relaxing from the 17th to the 19th after a big exciting weekend like that we really needed a break to relax and rest. Don't worry I still found time to clean in that relaxing time hehehehe.
Thursday was a busy day for me actually I realised the night before that Target had their singstar games on special and we all know how much I love my singstar. There were new ones that had come out tooo that I really wanted to get and missed out on like the Disney one that was the main one I was looking for. I was at the shops as early as I could so about 9 15 and I was too late they had already sold out of Disney I was so upset I managed to get Hottest Hits and ABBA tho so that was good. But me being me went all the way up to TTP to try and get Disney for Ruthie. YAY I got the last one I had to hunt for it and wait in line for like 30 mins but it was worth it for my baby girl. Hay I'm the one that goes to the midnight toy sales just for the kids crazy I know. After that I had to go to Big W to get a lay by off one with Miahs b'day presents on ( it had the Chrissy pressies on too). After sorting all of that out I had to go back to mums to drop off and take some pressies. Then I had to pick Ruthie lu up from School and when I got home Von and Luke popped in so no rest for me. Then I had to go get Miah from day care and get dinner as we were having Big Nana and Big Grandad over for tea. As it was I was really late picking them up I don't know where that day had gone. We had a really good night and they loved spending time with the kids and the kids loved spending time with their Great Grandparents too. Not many ppl get to have that these days so its great to have that opportunity its just sad that we lost the other set it would be so nice to have Gpa here again with his goffy smile and the way he laughed at jokes that weren't even funny. At the end of the night I was soooo tired I crashed it I'm not used to having such a busy day atm I tend to pace myself with this pregnancy cos if i don't I get pains.
So that's the first instalment of my catch up still got more to go but I thought I should break it up a little lots to write
love and miss ya all
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Lots to do not enough energy
Hi all this blog is from Nov 3rd till the 9th
Adrian had the day off so we decided to finish the back area. We went shopping for curtains and curtain rods for the windows. I decided I wanted red this time we have allot of blue in the house and our kitchen is going to be green so I figured I would go red and it was a good choice it looks so nice it really suits the back area. I just cant wait till we have enough money to build it in properly its going to look so good (even with the train set room). We were so tired when by the end of the day it was a bigger job than I thought.
The back area
I spent the day cleaning the house like always I really need to stop cleaning and go see my friends more often and just have a messy house hehehehehe so never going to happen.
I didn't really do allot today spent the day resting I have been getting really tired lately I think the baby is going thru a growth thing or something cos I get tired really quickly I almost need an afternoon nap some days to keep me going but its so hard with a little boy running around the house
I went to Damien's and Natasha's house today to lend my help with getting rid of stuff and not being a horder. I did it for mum I made her get rid of allot of stuff that was just sitting around. I noticed that Damien is a horder and so I offered to go in and help them throw out and give to salvos some stuff it was really good and I even went soft not too soft tho. We got thru most of the toys and when the boys found out I was not a favourite person hehehehe. I thought a comment Ruth made was funny when she said don't worry mum does that to me all the time its ok LOL. Its true my poor kids are always loosing stuff but I do make sure I keep stuff that means something to them.
This day was allot like Tue and Wed cleaning and relaxing
We took the kids to the pageant so it was up at 6 in the morning to get ready so we could be there for 7. Yes I know very early but the way I see it is if we are going I wanna make sure the kids have the best seat and believe it or not when we got there one side was already taken up so we went across the road normally I wouldn't like that as the sun can get really hot sitting there but this Saturday it was the rain that we had to worry about. So the kids got some chalk and drew all over the road while they waited for it to start. This year Adelaide was attempting to get in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest Mexican wave but we failed. I hope they try again next year then our family could be apart of something cool like that. As the pageant was about to begin people who had gotten there 30 mins before tried pushing in front of Ruth and Jeremiah and that bugs me because my kids had been up early and had waited so long so they could have that spot in the front and then the people behind us had the nerve to complain about it. People like that make me so mad they don't care about the fact that the kids had been waiting for so long they only cared that there kids wernt in front.
Ruth and Jeremiah drawing on the road
Their lovely hands from the wet chalk
I spent the day cleaning the house yes I know yet again but I don't get much done atm as I get too tired if I do it all at once so I do a bit then sit for a while then do a bit then sit. I did also spend sometime in the afternoon catching up on some TV that I had recorded.
Well that's another week from me and only 16 to go before baby
Thursday, November 6, 2008
My Bday Sports Day and more
Well my birthday didn't start off the best I guess it doesn't help being pregnant and having a B day but it got allot better which was good. Thanks to all those that wished me a happy birthday. I spent most of the day at home and at about 2 I got bored so I decided I could do with some exercise so I walked to get Ruth from school ( its like 1 1/2 hour round trip for me to and from school) I remember getting to the end of the street thinking why on earth did I think to walk I think I was so unfit but still did it anyway. After I picked up Ruth from school as I was crossing at the traffic lights I saw Damien Natasha and the kids. They had decided to walk that day too so I met up with them at the park near the school the kids had a little play and then we walked home. Jeremiah walked basically the whole way home he even ran a bit and was ahead of us most of the way I was very impressed. When I got home I was so tired so I went for a lay down while the kids watched a bit of TV they were tired as well. So while I was laying down I thought it would be a good time to start my Bday pressy from mum it was Ghost Whisperer seasons 1 2 3. While laying down Tam came around and watched some too and I had a shower cos Marie was taking me out that night for my Bday. We went to Fanlinis it was nice I just got a simple pizza but it was so good to get out with just the girls it ended up being just Marie Paula Tam and Me but it was nice. (NO KIDS is always nice hehehehe) Marie and Paula got me a Pavlova Cake and SingStar Rocks :P I love singstar and they know it.
Tue and Wed were spent cleaning the house which is nothing new. I feel that's all I ever seem to do is clean and wash and if I don't the house gets messy so quick.
Thursday the teachers had a strike grrrr so Ruth and I went shopping in the morning for Sports Day she was in yellow so I got her a yellow top and skirt and white leggings to go under the skirt. Then I took Ruth to school for the afternoon and then went up to mums to help her clean out the cupboards like a good little girl I am. Then we went back to the shops to get a yellow top for Jeremiah and me so we could wear my girls colour.
Friday was the big day Sports Day. I did Ruth's hair and sprayed it yellow for her colour she really liked that I even did Jeremiahs hair hehehehehehe. Then at Sports Day I did Rory and Isiah's hair in Blue cos they were in a different team to Ruth (yes I even did Charlies hair)
Ruthie in the morning before the health hussle
Miah after wwe droped Ruth off at class
Isiah with blue hair
Me and Tam and there was a spot for Sarah but
she was being a fred
Nanna pushing Miah on the swing
That hair spray goes everywhere she ended up with a yellow neck and forehead lol
It was a very weird sports day the young ones did activies but didn't really compete.
Ruth doing a hocky game she is no hockey player
Ruth only had half a day for Sports Day which was good cos by the end of it I was so tired and so wanted to go home I don't know how I'm going to do a full day when she starts having them. Half a day was more than enough for me and Miah. After Ruth went back to her class Tam Sarah Miah and I went to Pasta Pasta for lunch (that's what miah calls it ) then by the time we finished there it was time to get Ruth from school. I was so tired by the end of the day it was a big day.
Saturday was a very busy day I spent the morning cleaning then we had the home teachers over then after that I went out with Tam and Sarah for sisters day and they were being mean to me they took my phone and hid it. That's ok tho I got Tam back I flicked ice cream at her hhehehehehehe( food fight) then we drove back from Marion( we went to all u can eat Pizza Hut ) We then went to the shops to get some stuff for that night as I was going out to a Bday dinner for Adrian and Paula so I needed to get Paula's pressy and cake and Adrian's cake. To much of my surprise ...... not yes I was tired yet again so I had a lay down before tea. Dinner was nice but not as good as I thought it would be. Jeremiah has turned into a hermit and always wants to be at home which makes going out difficult.
On Sunday Ruth had her first talk at church it was so cute he giving a talk. That day Adrian and I also cleaned up our back area so its all done now yay all clean and we even put curtains up it looks so nice. That night we went to mums for tea for Adrian's Bday it was an interesting dinner and yet again I was so tired by the end of it.
Well that's it from me atm hope you enjoyed reading as I don't have exciting holidays to write about atm hehehehehe
Love you and miss u all
Saturday, October 25, 2008
18 Weeks left wow Im liking how fast this is going :P
Hello All
This blog is from Friday the 17th to Sunday the 26th
So Friday the 17th
I was just itching to get out the house I had been prity much stuck at home all week and really wanted to get out lucky for me Paula rang up at like 6 30 and wanted to know if I wanted to go for a walk along the beach it was such a beautiful night I was like sure do. So she came down from Eudunda. We didn't quite make it for that walk tho she was feeling hungry and so was I so we went to Cafe Primos in Semaphore. It was really nice but service was a little slow but meh it was still good to sit and chat and not be stuck at home watching reruns of SVU (I tend to do that every fri night as foxtel have 5 in a row) We ended up going straight home after that and Paula spent the night like she normally does when she comes down.
Saturday the 18th
Paula woke up early and wanted to take Ruthie to the beach I was still a little tired so I was like yeah go for it but then it turned out I couldn't sleep so I ended up going to. The beach was so nice and the weather was just perfect I stood in the water just enough to get my feet and a bit of my leg wet. Ruth had a ball and of course managed to make a friend with another girl that was playing which is nothing new for Ruth. After we left the beach Paula had to go shopping so we dropped Ruth off and went shopping. I managed to finally make an appointment to get my legs done they were really hairy hehehehe and I got my eyebrows done tooo it felt so good to be like a woman again and to be able to start wearing dresses.
Adrian had to go to work around 430 and there was a Relief Society dinner on that night. Mum convinced me to go so Damien had the kids they love playing with their cousins and after the dinner I thought it was about time I went and visited Iain. I haven't really been to the grave much and it was on the way home sorta so I thought I would pop past for a few mins it was actually quite nice.
Sunday 19th
Mum and Dad took the kids to church like normal and I sat at home relaxing then Marie came and dragged me out for 30mins she had to go pick something up and wanted some company so we went for the drive. Luckily we got home just as Mum and Dad were dropping the kids off. Then we spent the night relaxing and chatting like always.
Monday 20th
Well what can I say this so wasn't a good day for me I had a hospital appointment that morning and Adrian stayed at home with Jeremiah as I went so I got to go on my own lucky me. First I had to see the doctor she was so stupid she was doing a mini ultrasound on my tummy to see where the baby was to get a heart beat (normally they just stick the dabber on and find it that way) But every time she found where the baby was it would move before she could get the dabber in the right place and at one stage the baby decided to start kicking it. So she gave up on looking for the heart beat and figured the baby was fine because it wouldn't stop moving. Then I had to see a midwife about some stuff and one of the things was am I planning on breast feeding I was like yes I'm going to try it again. Then she asked how long I did it for my last one and I said 2mths and then she gave me this massive lecture about breastfeeding and not supplementing with formula and that baby's go thru growth spurts and that's when most ppl just give up and get the baby to suck the more it sucks the more milk u produce. She was making me soooo mad after everything I had gone thru with Ruth mostly because I couldn't breast feed and then to have some women treat me like I just gave up. I was ready to thump her one so I turned around to her and said excuse me I went to Torrens house about the breast feeding I didn't just give up it was there they realised I didn't produce enough. She still didn't apologise but did leave it alone after that.
Tuesday and Wednesday
I didn't nothing all day but clean but hay that's all I ever seem to do is clean but I'm happy to say I'm prity much done that's it for me all my spring cleaning is done YAY
Thursday 23rd
I went to meet Tam for lunch and went back to that deli I really like it there even if tam doesn't hehehehehe. We had a nice lunch and then I went straight to mums to clean out her cupboards we managed to get a few done and because I didn't have to pick up Ruth it made it easier ( she went to her friends house after school ) Then I went down and visited my friend Suzie who is pregnant to yay she is due 4 weeks before me so we had a nice chat. Then I went and got Miah from day care then Ruth from her friends and came home and did nothing (it was my day off :P)
I spent the day cleaning up what I didn't the day before and the playroom that always needs doing it gets so messy. Then relaxed for the most of the day and watched my SVU that night.
Adrian the lazy bum didn't get out of bed till 12 so that was most of the day gone but we decided to have a BBQ that night it was supposed to be a really hot day and I love BBQ s it wasn't as hot as we thought but just going to the shops wore me out. We had Marie and Steve over for dinner that was good we sat out the front after dinner just talking Marie got her banana lounges out the car and we got our recliner camp chairs out but it was so nice out there.
Well today after I have finished writing this I will get into cleaning the house like always and then tonight we are going to mums for my birthday dinner lucky me. Meh why is it when you get older birthdays are not as good as they used to be oh well
That's all from me for another week enjoy ppl
This blog is from Friday the 17th to Sunday the 26th
So Friday the 17th
I was just itching to get out the house I had been prity much stuck at home all week and really wanted to get out lucky for me Paula rang up at like 6 30 and wanted to know if I wanted to go for a walk along the beach it was such a beautiful night I was like sure do. So she came down from Eudunda. We didn't quite make it for that walk tho she was feeling hungry and so was I so we went to Cafe Primos in Semaphore. It was really nice but service was a little slow but meh it was still good to sit and chat and not be stuck at home watching reruns of SVU (I tend to do that every fri night as foxtel have 5 in a row) We ended up going straight home after that and Paula spent the night like she normally does when she comes down.
Saturday the 18th
Paula woke up early and wanted to take Ruthie to the beach I was still a little tired so I was like yeah go for it but then it turned out I couldn't sleep so I ended up going to. The beach was so nice and the weather was just perfect I stood in the water just enough to get my feet and a bit of my leg wet. Ruth had a ball and of course managed to make a friend with another girl that was playing which is nothing new for Ruth. After we left the beach Paula had to go shopping so we dropped Ruth off and went shopping. I managed to finally make an appointment to get my legs done they were really hairy hehehehe and I got my eyebrows done tooo it felt so good to be like a woman again and to be able to start wearing dresses.
Adrian had to go to work around 430 and there was a Relief Society dinner on that night. Mum convinced me to go so Damien had the kids they love playing with their cousins and after the dinner I thought it was about time I went and visited Iain. I haven't really been to the grave much and it was on the way home sorta so I thought I would pop past for a few mins it was actually quite nice.
Sunday 19th
Mum and Dad took the kids to church like normal and I sat at home relaxing then Marie came and dragged me out for 30mins she had to go pick something up and wanted some company so we went for the drive. Luckily we got home just as Mum and Dad were dropping the kids off. Then we spent the night relaxing and chatting like always.
Monday 20th
Well what can I say this so wasn't a good day for me I had a hospital appointment that morning and Adrian stayed at home with Jeremiah as I went so I got to go on my own lucky me. First I had to see the doctor she was so stupid she was doing a mini ultrasound on my tummy to see where the baby was to get a heart beat (normally they just stick the dabber on and find it that way) But every time she found where the baby was it would move before she could get the dabber in the right place and at one stage the baby decided to start kicking it. So she gave up on looking for the heart beat and figured the baby was fine because it wouldn't stop moving. Then I had to see a midwife about some stuff and one of the things was am I planning on breast feeding I was like yes I'm going to try it again. Then she asked how long I did it for my last one and I said 2mths and then she gave me this massive lecture about breastfeeding and not supplementing with formula and that baby's go thru growth spurts and that's when most ppl just give up and get the baby to suck the more it sucks the more milk u produce. She was making me soooo mad after everything I had gone thru with Ruth mostly because I couldn't breast feed and then to have some women treat me like I just gave up. I was ready to thump her one so I turned around to her and said excuse me I went to Torrens house about the breast feeding I didn't just give up it was there they realised I didn't produce enough. She still didn't apologise but did leave it alone after that.
Tuesday and Wednesday
I didn't nothing all day but clean but hay that's all I ever seem to do is clean but I'm happy to say I'm prity much done that's it for me all my spring cleaning is done YAY
Thursday 23rd
I went to meet Tam for lunch and went back to that deli I really like it there even if tam doesn't hehehehehe. We had a nice lunch and then I went straight to mums to clean out her cupboards we managed to get a few done and because I didn't have to pick up Ruth it made it easier ( she went to her friends house after school ) Then I went down and visited my friend Suzie who is pregnant to yay she is due 4 weeks before me so we had a nice chat. Then I went and got Miah from day care then Ruth from her friends and came home and did nothing (it was my day off :P)
I spent the day cleaning up what I didn't the day before and the playroom that always needs doing it gets so messy. Then relaxed for the most of the day and watched my SVU that night.
Adrian the lazy bum didn't get out of bed till 12 so that was most of the day gone but we decided to have a BBQ that night it was supposed to be a really hot day and I love BBQ s it wasn't as hot as we thought but just going to the shops wore me out. We had Marie and Steve over for dinner that was good we sat out the front after dinner just talking Marie got her banana lounges out the car and we got our recliner camp chairs out but it was so nice out there.
Well today after I have finished writing this I will get into cleaning the house like always and then tonight we are going to mums for my birthday dinner lucky me. Meh why is it when you get older birthdays are not as good as they used to be oh well
That's all from me for another week enjoy ppl
Thursday, October 16, 2008
20 Weeks half way yay hurry up the next 20 weeks
Well what to say
The last week of school holidays were prity boring for the poor kids got stuck with sick mum. I have to say they have been the best behaved kids thru the whole pregnancy they haven't really complained and put up with being stuck at home with a mum that cant do alot.
On Friday Sarah popped in on her way home from child care. We watched Cheetah Girls 2 and then played Simpson's or should I say Sarah played Simpson's and Ruth thought she was playing too. We had pizza for tea which is so not new for this house atm. I cant cook lol ever since I got pregnant its like cooking makes me sick odd I know but I'm not a fan of meat atm the site of uncooked meat is gross.
Any way the highlight of the week would've been the weekend when on Saturday Adrian Ruthie Jeremiah Nana and Me ( of course couldn't have done it without me ) went to the hospital for my 20 week scan. The baby was fine all the right parts in the right places the funniest thing was the fact that the baby stuck its finger up at us. Looking back at the DVD I got it looks like it was deliberate as well. I know it wouldn't have been but it was still funny and clear as day. The kids loved seeing the baby inside mummy's tummy the baby that has helped them miss out on so much and the one that has made mummy so sick. We didn't find out what the sex was so Craig and Tam your safe.
It was back at school for Ruthie on Monday yay I love school hehehehehehe its great. But already she started her little social butterfly stuff with wanting to go to ppls houses after school. I know I'm going to have to make a rule up about that but atm I so don't know how its going to go.
Now this is something that's been on my mind and you ppl with older kids will be able to help. When you are little and go to school I thought you made a few friends and they were the ppl you hung out with at recess and lunch. That's what I remember doing but Ruth is always playing with different ppl one day she will play with some friends in her class then the next day its another kid I really don't get it is that normal.
Oh and Jeremiah when talking to the baby the other day told it to stop making mum sick and I think it worked because I have been getting allot better so good baby for listening to your brother.
Yesterday (Thursday) was my day off I was supposed to help mum clean but she was sick so I had an entire day to me so I decided to visit Tam for lunch so me and Tam had lunch it was yummy that deli was great. Tam is known as the hot dog girl lol the one that goes in stands there for ages and ends up ordering a hot dog hehehehehe. But after I dropped Tam off I was half way to Marie's work so me and Marie had lunch too well I didn't really eat but we talked. OH a read this really interesting book.
Did you know that a tigers markings smell like buttered popcorn.
Oh and the blonde moment from me was Did you know snakes cant see they see thru there teeth lol it was supposed to be they don't have ears and they hear thru there teeth lol
Here is a little parting one for you natural gas does not smell the smell is added to it to detect a leakage ( so you with silent farts that's why they smell )
Well I guess that's it for me a boring week this week but hay we have to have one sometime
Love and miss you all
P.S I know I'm not good at English but this is not an assignment ok lol
This is the baby looking down it kinda looks
like Skellotor from Heman
Monday, October 6, 2008
21 weeks to go and counting
Hi all
I'm guessing that not many people are going to be reading my blog this week seeing how Bryan Amy and Michael are in Malaysia and Craig Kirsty Darcey and Tiarni are in Queensland. But hello to all those that have time to read about my exciting life :P
Wednesday I spent the day with my adopted sisters Marie and Paula it was an interesting day and it was good to start acting like us again. Paula had to go to the docs cos she fell of her horse at work so we spent time talking while waiting for all her tests and docs.
Thursday was a more advent full day Adrian took Miah to day care as he started work early so it saved me getting out of bed to take him and as its school holidays I got to sleep in and that I did I slept till 10 I could've slept longer if I didn't have to be ready for 11 to go to Paula's to go horse ridding. Ruth was such a good girl tho she waited patiently didn't even wake me up to ask when we were going horse ridding. Then she waited while I got over my sickness which ended up taking some time as it was we didn't end up leaving till 12. Which meant we didn't get there till 1 30 2 ish. When we got there Ruth was like can we go horse ridding now she loves going horse ridding its just a pity she doesn't get to go that often. We were waiting for Marie and Laines to rock up they did around 330 then we went out while Ruth and Paula saddled up the horse me Laines and Marie took photos. Ruth got to ride for a little over 30mins which isn't a bad ride. I couldn't have a turn cos I'm pregnant and last time I went to get on the horse I freaked out (this was when I was pregnant but didn't know yet) We had to leave by 430 to get back in time to get my little man from day care who had loads of fun. He played on the slide in the sand and played with kyled (its really kyle but he calls him kyled)
Friday I was at the docs again with Paula while she got her results fun fun fun. Then I did nothing but relax for the rest of the day I was not well but hay whats new with me.
Saturday was our sisters day we made this little rule up that we would spend the first Sat of every month doing something as sisters. We decided this after being at Gpas grave we wanted to make sure we all stayed close.So we went to fasta pasta where I ate like a 3rd of my food and then Sarah finished of the rest then we went food shopping I needed food for the house. I hit Sarah on the bum when we were there and she started calling Tam in so I was like yelling out in the supermarket that I would throw up and that I can throw up on demand ( I wasn't feeling the best ) Then we came back to my place and played Mario Party Sarah won and I lost which is not normal I don't usually come 4th so I must've been sick.Jeremiah wanted a piggy ride and was telling Sarah to give him one then Sarah was like if you want a piggy ride go find the piggy so Jeremiah turned around and points to Sarah and goes there's the piggy. Then we played a little singstar then the girls went home. That night I was really sick which was loads of fun I'm just glad the kids were in bed
Sunday I was in bed all day trying to get better from the night before so I slept allot. Jeremiah went to Church with mum and dad and I slept all afternoon. OH and Adrian cleaned the Kitchen YAY.
So now we are up to Monday and Adrian got the public holiday of work which was great he doesn't normally get that off so we went out for lunch and then I slept the afternoon away while my cute kids played. Now I'm just writing this to pass the time till Bones starts and Ruthie and Adrian are singing on singstar Ruthie loves that game. She just got 8600 on a song which is really good (highest score is 10000) so for someone that cant really read that well yet she did alright. (So Kirsty you wouldn't have a problem even if you say you cant sing.)
Well that's it from me and another sick and exciting week
Laines me and Marie
Me and Paula
like she thought she was human she loved
having photos done
Monday, September 29, 2008
Life as I know it
Well where to start last week as not that interesting for us
Tuesday Ruthie got an award for performing on stage for ballet and she is now in Grade 1 dance not Primary so she is growing up fast :S
Wed night Jeremiah woke up with a really bad rash which turned into these massive red lumps so as soon as Adrian got home it was off to the docs for us and aparently it was an allergic reaction to what is what we get to work out lucky for us.
Well on Thurs I got to spend a little time with Bryan Michael and Amy before they headed out for lunch as I was there to help mum clean her room and upstairs ready for her bed that was comming on Fri. Michael doesnt like me everytime Bryan went to give me Michael he would give me a funny look I was like he doesnt want to go to me Im going to make him cry so I didnt really get cuddles which is a little sad but hay what can you do when we all live so far away he doent know who I am. Nonna ( I think thats what they call nanna) any way she read Michael a book about a green sheep and what all these other sheeps were I was getting sick of hearing about sheep. I gave Bryan his B'day pressy for all of the bros and sisters I got him Gumby he loves Gumby I remember having fights with him on who was better Gumby or Superman ( It still is superman )
Friday was Ruthies last day of school for the term and by the time I got home she was already driving me up the wall and I was hanging out for school to start again. Whos bright idea was it to bring in school holidays :P
Sat I was really sick it hurt to breathe but I still was a nice mum and wife and went with Adrian and the kids to see Adrians parents. We sat and chatted for a while and Jeremiah played with the cars like he always does and Ruth with the dolls for a while then she coloured. I was feeling really sick by the time we got home so I layed down for a bit before calling mum to take me to the docs. We were there forever it took so long and poor mum needed to get home to eat. As it was we had to go back the next day for blood tests. I was so over it all and when I got home I fell straight into bed and slept.Later on the kids decided to join me in bed to keep me company Ruth was really sweet she gave me 3 kisses when she got out of bed for something and told me she would be back later. By about 1 in the moring I was sqwished out of my bed everytime I moved they moved closer to me grrrr.
Sunday I was still sick but mum took me to get my bloods but then as soon as I got home it was back to bed for me. I have to say the only up side is I get to rest the bad side is while Im resting Adrian and the kids trash the house so more work for me when I get better.
Today is Tuesday again and I am finaly feeling good enough to start getting into the house and cleaning it so thats what I have been doing and toilet training and Jeremiah is actually wearing jocks today which is a shock normaly he has to run around with a naky bum to get him to go to potty and not have a nappy on but today he was happy to wear jocks so thats a start. I am now 18 weeks pregnant still getting morning sickness and still cant eat meat.I have my scan on the 11th of Oct so I cant wait to find out what Im having I really hope Im right in what I think it is
Thanks for reading and catcha next week
Tuesday Ruthie got an award for performing on stage for ballet and she is now in Grade 1 dance not Primary so she is growing up fast :S
Wed night Jeremiah woke up with a really bad rash which turned into these massive red lumps so as soon as Adrian got home it was off to the docs for us and aparently it was an allergic reaction to what is what we get to work out lucky for us.
Well on Thurs I got to spend a little time with Bryan Michael and Amy before they headed out for lunch as I was there to help mum clean her room and upstairs ready for her bed that was comming on Fri. Michael doesnt like me everytime Bryan went to give me Michael he would give me a funny look I was like he doesnt want to go to me Im going to make him cry so I didnt really get cuddles which is a little sad but hay what can you do when we all live so far away he doent know who I am. Nonna ( I think thats what they call nanna) any way she read Michael a book about a green sheep and what all these other sheeps were I was getting sick of hearing about sheep. I gave Bryan his B'day pressy for all of the bros and sisters I got him Gumby he loves Gumby I remember having fights with him on who was better Gumby or Superman ( It still is superman )
Friday was Ruthies last day of school for the term and by the time I got home she was already driving me up the wall and I was hanging out for school to start again. Whos bright idea was it to bring in school holidays :P
Sat I was really sick it hurt to breathe but I still was a nice mum and wife and went with Adrian and the kids to see Adrians parents. We sat and chatted for a while and Jeremiah played with the cars like he always does and Ruth with the dolls for a while then she coloured. I was feeling really sick by the time we got home so I layed down for a bit before calling mum to take me to the docs. We were there forever it took so long and poor mum needed to get home to eat. As it was we had to go back the next day for blood tests. I was so over it all and when I got home I fell straight into bed and slept.Later on the kids decided to join me in bed to keep me company Ruth was really sweet she gave me 3 kisses when she got out of bed for something and told me she would be back later. By about 1 in the moring I was sqwished out of my bed everytime I moved they moved closer to me grrrr.
Sunday I was still sick but mum took me to get my bloods but then as soon as I got home it was back to bed for me. I have to say the only up side is I get to rest the bad side is while Im resting Adrian and the kids trash the house so more work for me when I get better.
Today is Tuesday again and I am finaly feeling good enough to start getting into the house and cleaning it so thats what I have been doing and toilet training and Jeremiah is actually wearing jocks today which is a shock normaly he has to run around with a naky bum to get him to go to potty and not have a nappy on but today he was happy to wear jocks so thats a start. I am now 18 weeks pregnant still getting morning sickness and still cant eat meat.I have my scan on the 11th of Oct so I cant wait to find out what Im having I really hope Im right in what I think it is
Thanks for reading and catcha next week
Jeremiah was so tired he couldnt make it up the
couch to sleep
This is Ruthies own creation she did this hair
do all by herself
Monday, September 22, 2008
Charlies,Ruths Concert and Bryan Amy and Michael
Hi all
Where to start well lets see we had a really busy weekend which isn't always the case for all of us Ruth had her ballet concert on Saturday and Sunday nights.
I didn't go see the concert on Sat night we had limited tickets I only got 5 to begin with and Sat night was booked out. So Mum and Dad went to see it Sat night but I was helping out back stage with pick ups. When I got there I got there a little early to see Ruthie walking off stage and I had to hold back the tears ( I blame the baby and pregnancy )
Then Bryan Amy and Michael come down from WA so we had a dinner at Charlies straight after Ruth's concert on the Sat I have to say I was rather unimpressed by the quality it was horrible and they didn't put new food out when the stuff ran out I was rather disgusted we pay top dollar for Sat nights but we got half the food and it wasn't even that nice it will be a while before I will go back there I was really disgusted. Having said that it was nice to catch up as a family and have dinner. Ruth was really excited to see her Aunty Amy and Uncle Bryan and even Michael even tho I have to say I think Ruth has a fav and that would have to be Amy. I think she really liked spending time with her again as its been so long.We left before everyone else as Jeremiah had a long day and didn't get an afternoon nap as he went to Uncle Damien's and Aunty Natasha's to play that afternoon and had a ball playing with the kids. He really loves playing with Charlie hes always wanting to play with him. So we got home and the kids went to bed and I watched TV Adrian didn't get home till after midnight as that's when his shift finnished. I was in bed way before then.
Sunday was a relaxing day for the most part we cleaned and then got Miah ready for Church as he was going with Nanna as she was looking after him so we could go see Ruthie in her concert and I wanted to get there early as it was packed the night before and I wanted a good seat. So he got all dressed nice in his little suit and shirt and yes a little tie he looked so cute and Adrian did his hair all snazzy as well. I cant believe he is growing up so fast my little man. Then Nanna came and picked him up and it was really quiet I had enough time for a nap ( ok i'm not lazy u try making a baby its really exhausting) Then I got up and did Ruthies hair for her concert and got her all dressed and ready she was being a pain and jumping around everywhere she was so excited she loved it the night before she said that she wanted to keep dancing on stage. ( that's my little diva for u ) So we got there really early and lucky we did as by 420 the line was out the door but we were like first in line so that was good it was worth the wait. As we were standing in line I thought I should get the tickets out my bag I had them in there since the day before so I went to get them and couldn't find them anywhere I was fully panicing I couldn't find one ticket so Adrian went to the car to see if they were in there and they wernt but while he was in the car I thought I should look in my purse and they were all in there yay. I managed to get more tickets on Sunday night so Adrian's parents Marie Paula and Tam came as well which was good. I liked the performance the second half was way better ( and that's not just cos that's when Ruthie came on ) but the dancing was better. When Ruth came on I couldn't keep the joy off my face I had the biggest grin from ear to ear it was just a shame it was only 3 mins long I wanted to see her again :P Then when she came on at the end that's when the tears started( baby I blame the baby ) that was my little girl up there on stage looking so beautiful ( stop growing :( )Adrian's parents said they enjoyed it so that was good.
Sunday was a relaxing day for the most part we cleaned and then got Miah ready for Church as he was going with Nanna as she was looking after him so we could go see Ruthie in her concert and I wanted to get there early as it was packed the night before and I wanted a good seat. So he got all dressed nice in his little suit and shirt and yes a little tie he looked so cute and Adrian did his hair all snazzy as well. I cant believe he is growing up so fast my little man. Then Nanna came and picked him up and it was really quiet I had enough time for a nap ( ok i'm not lazy u try making a baby its really exhausting) Then I got up and did Ruthies hair for her concert and got her all dressed and ready she was being a pain and jumping around everywhere she was so excited she loved it the night before she said that she wanted to keep dancing on stage. ( that's my little diva for u ) So we got there really early and lucky we did as by 420 the line was out the door but we were like first in line so that was good it was worth the wait. As we were standing in line I thought I should get the tickets out my bag I had them in there since the day before so I went to get them and couldn't find them anywhere I was fully panicing I couldn't find one ticket so Adrian went to the car to see if they were in there and they wernt but while he was in the car I thought I should look in my purse and they were all in there yay. I managed to get more tickets on Sunday night so Adrian's parents Marie Paula and Tam came as well which was good. I liked the performance the second half was way better ( and that's not just cos that's when Ruthie came on ) but the dancing was better. When Ruth came on I couldn't keep the joy off my face I had the biggest grin from ear to ear it was just a shame it was only 3 mins long I wanted to see her again :P Then when she came on at the end that's when the tears started( baby I blame the baby ) that was my little girl up there on stage looking so beautiful ( stop growing :( )Adrian's parents said they enjoyed it so that was good.
Monday was a semi busy day I spent the morning going thru the kids playroom that was loads of fun not. I needed to be done u couldn't walk in there u could walk as far as to turn on the light and that was it. So that took some time but as usual when I get in there the kids loose toys they either go to salvos or in the bin depending if they are in good condition or not. I wonder if they will learn one day that if they don't keep it clean that they loose toys. So I did that then spent the afternoon resting thinking about my poor little girl. It was her school excursion day to the Zoo she had been looking forward to it for like ages and it rained the whole day so she got really wet poor thing. Then Bryan Amy and Michael came around for dinner we had chicken and chips. I cant cook meat atm and Amy is picky so I thought chicken and chips would be the best bet. We talked the kids played Jeremiah and Michael played in the now messy playroom ( I guess it cant stay clean forever ) Ruth went on the computer and Bryan was in and out of the computer room and changing smelly Michael Jeremiah was smelly too that was the 3rd one he did that day grrrrrrr. Amy and I sat and talked for a bit and then Ruth came and hung of Amy for a while (surprise surprise....... not) Then I was telling Amy about sing star and I put it on to show her and it was fun Bryan even sang 2 songs but it was mostly much Ruthie and Amy. Ruthie loves sing star and can get over 7000 in some songs the highest is 10000 never seen anyone get that high yet. Im now 17 weeks and counting yay only 23 to go :P
Well that has been my busy weekend hoped u enjoyed ur read
Till next time
Love Ruth
Love Ruth
and Juliet. See Ruthie she just loves her Aunty
Natasha ( she moved as I took the photo)
Bryan and Isiah ( I think Isiah likes photos)
Dad and a bit of Bryan eatting lol
Me and Sez ( i missed out on getting one of mum :( )
in the yellow shirt behind is our neighbour
How cool is that suit and how cute is that boy :P
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