Life has been a little hard in our house lately with the last few weeks left before little Souvlaki is born
The heat wave was not bad for the first few days/nights then it just got too much it was just too hot all the time. We were so glad for the cool change especially at night we only have our poor little split system and it was running quite a bit we didn't have it on at night and managed ok. I wanted to give it a rest I figured if we used it all the time then it might die on us and then we would be in trouble.
We went to the beach one Thurs night for a cool down and that was nice the problem we were having was it was still 40 at the time I would leave to take the kids to the beach so it was still just tooo hot for them to be out in the sun. But Thurs managed to be ok by the time we got to the beach. Adrian took Miah in with him and Ruth kinda went in a little by little I went in knee deep cos I knew I would end up being the one on the beach looking after Miah (hes not a fan of the beach) He seemed to be doing ok until Adrian let him go in about waste deep and a wave bowled him over I'm thinking he wont be going back in that water for some time :(
It was really nice to get out as a family and spend time with each other it can get so hard with Adrian's job and his year I wanted to make it a point that we did a few more family activities now that Adrian only works every 3rd weekend instead of every 2nd
Jeremiah has now started up another day at day care he has been asking me for a while and about 2 weeks ago he got upset after dropping Ruth off at school cos he wanted to go to day care and I kept saying that his day wasn't till Thurs but he really wanted to go so I rang them up to see if they had another day free so Miah can go and they did have a spot for that day so I figured why not so we hoped into the car and I took him to day care. He loves it there playing with his friend Kyle and even tho him and Ruth can be horrors together he still misses her and gets lonely when she is at school. Well all I have to say is what about me I dropped him off and then I was lost I'm used to the Thursdays but now Tuesdays as well I really missed my little boy he didn't come up to me and do cute things cos he was at day care.
I have to add this little bit about Ruth as I was so impressed with her a couple of Sundays ago she cleaned the playroom all on her own even vacuumed it without being ask then came into the kitchen and asked if there was anything else I wanted done. How cool is that my little 5 yr old helper I love it when she does stuff like that.
The last week Adrian has had a week off work which has come at a good time its actually quite odd I had so much stuff I wanted to get done this week with baby coming soon so I thought this week would be great little did I know that this week I ended up getting sick all over again. On Monday we managed to put some of the baby stuff together which was good but by the end of it I was getting really bad pains and had to lay down. Well that night I ended up being sick half the night so hardly any sleep along with pains and sick it was not fun and I did get a little envious of the rest of the family enjoying there good night sleep.
Tuesday I had to get up early as I had a hospital appointment which as always was loads of fun but I have to say at least this one had good news for me they agreed to induce me not long after my due date if I go over. Which means they wont make me go term +10 that was a relief I don't think I would be able to go that far.After the hospital cos I was so sick it was back to bed for poor little me and this is when I really started hating it I could see my house getting messier and messier. Adrian has a tendency to not finish what he starts or to leave a mess behind him and not clean up after he does something around the house ( As I'm typing there is at least 2 jobs he has done that he hasn't finished)
Wednesday I was starting to feel a little better so we went to bunny's (bunnings) for a few things so Adrian could do a few more jobs around the house but I didn't last long there before I had to go home and lay down. Thursday was pretty much the same except I had to go shopping for a few baby supplies I had forgotten about well the baby supplies were more for me. But after trying on a few PJ's and bras I had had enough and needed to go home and go back to bed. Then that night I was really sick again well not so much sick but in allot of pain my upper body just felt like it had been filled up with toxins and then it started moving from my upper body to my face then topped it off with a headache. This didn't seem normal so I rang the hospital and they told me to come in. (FUN FUN FUN )
Adrian was at Michael and Natalie's so I had to call there to get him to come home as he never takes his mobile anywhere I don't even know why he has it. So he came home and Sarah came around to watch the kids while we went in to the hospital. We were there till 3 am so poor Adrian and Sarah had like no sleep that night I managed to get a little off and on. They think I might have the early stages of preclampsia.
Friday was spend recovering form the night before and lucky for us I had arranged with Natasha for Jeremiah to go around there and play during School so that gave me and Adrian time to recover and catch up on some sleep. That night we went to Sarah's going away party it was not bad I really wanted to smash a pineapple tart in her face just cos its something I always wanted to do but I would've gotten into big trouble so I was good.
Saturday Dad Damien and Rory all came around in the morning to help us (well Adrian) put up the base of the cubby house (which was something I wanted done before baby) So they worked hard out there putting it up and got it done which was fantastic. So now its all cemented in and almost ready for the sides to go up yay.
I think I might take this time to point out how great it is to have such a great family that helps us out and spends time with us its really good for us to have such a great family support base not everyone is lucky to have a great family that cares and helps out when they can there is allot of things I wouldn't be able to get done if it wernt for the love and support of all you guys.
Having said that of course Mum and Dad and Sarah were there again last night to help out when I had to take another trip to the hospital to get checked out as those pains were getting worse and don't seem to stop I will have a bit of a relief but then that's it they come back. I would really love to know what they are. I have to go into hospital again tomorrow to finally find out if it is preclampsia so I guess we will have to wait and see.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
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Sorry to hear you're not doing so well! Hope you managed to get things cleared up soon.
Will Adrian have time off when you have the baby? Who's going to watch the kids when you have the baby once Sarah is gone?
And you wanted to smash a pineapple tart in my face?!?! After all I have done!!!
I want some tart now...
I get to go along! It's easy enough for me to drive over when this happens and just sleep over. I'll have to take the kids to Natashas or something in the morning though .. Gotta work!
Can't wait! =)
Yes and I still want to smash a pineapple tart in ur face sarah it would be fun. Well now Sarah has left me Im left to rely on whats left of the family so that would be damien natasha and dad.We will manage some how I also have a heap of friends that have offered which was really nice of them. Means Tam wont need to worry about helping Im sure she has better things to do
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